Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm not sure I'm doing this right. Is this right? I'm thinking about blogging this more. Kind of had to abandon facebook, as my relatives and co-workers have started joining, and I just can't ignore people over something as stupid as facebook. But I miss telling my real friends about what is going on, and personal email seems to be a thing of the past. A very dear friend of mine moved to Alaska, and we have been writing real letters to each other, and it makes me so very happy. I'm going to do that some more. Also, CSA season is coming up, and this year I want to blog the experience. I also hope to start composting (much to my husbands's chagrin, he can't stand the smell). All whilst trying to balance a demanding fulltime job and an active pre-schooler who won't go to sleep at night. Seriously, how does Tina Fey manage this shit? I know she has nannies and whatnot, but at the end of the day, she is still the mom and no one replaces the mom.

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