Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I am a disaster on the internets. I just created this blog while trying to comment on another person's blog. I don't plan on ever being an actual blogger......this all started this afternoon when I was trying to get a phone number off of my facebook page from Google search. Long story short- I was using the home computer, and my husband thinks that facebook spams his fancy graphics computer, so I tried to log on covertly- it didn't work because I changed my name when I got married. But I did find my name cited in an entry on a Google blog, so of course I read it. It was really good- the author was a woman I went to college with. She read an article about me in the alumni newsletter and it inspired her to write about how she feels she wasted some opportunities back in college. She mentioned a dance performance we were both in. I barely remember her, but I wish I knew her better then, because it appears she had the same opinion of the dance department that I did. She could have been my ticket out of there! I needed an intervention, bad. She used the word 'coerced', and that is exactly how I got involved in it as a freshman. All I wanted to do was take a couple of modern dance classes to fulfill my phy. ed. requirements and maybe stay in shape and dance in some shows- I was a huge musical theater nerd in high school. Next thing I know I'm minoring in dance and being forced to choreograph movement to Tori Amos songs. Good God, and I know that there is video of all of this floating around in the universe. This girl could have gotten me out of there, and I could have minored in Rascal's, like all of my friends did. Anyway, blogger Meg, if you read this, thanks for the laugh, and don't be so hard on yourself. Youth is wasted on the young.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Omigosh!! I am SO TICKLED that you found what I wrote about you... I loved reading your response (you should TOTALLY blog more often; lots of other working moms would love to read what you write. Despite your alleged internets track record)... and I'm incredibly relieved that you didn't care for WSU's dance program either! I just wanted to perform a little (since I was ALSO a high school theatre geek) and I couldn't believe I had to keep doing these bizarre dances that seemed to have nothing to do with music and joy and everything I considered "actual dance" -- uh, OK I could seriously go on forever.

And YEAH being a working mom is the hardest thing EVER and that's why I quit. We should job-share your APHC job. LOL :)

Do you find time to dance/perform ever? Or did WSU squash your thirst for that sort of thing?

I know you work, but is there any chance you and your son want to get together for a playdate, or some no-kids coffee or wine, or something? If not, I promise not to stalk you.